Dr Steven Allender
Dr Steven Allender is Professor of Public Health and founding Director of the Global Centre for Preventive Health and Nutrition (GLOBE) at Deakin University, a World Health Organization Collaborating Centre since 2003.
Steve has an ongoing programme of research on solving complex problems with a focus on the burden of chronic disease and obesity prevention.
Recent work has seen a particular interest in the burden of chronic disease, malnutrition and climate change in developed and developing countries and the possibilities for using complex systems approaches for community-based intervention.
Prof Allender leads NHMRC Partnership grants and is a lead investigator on the Centre of Research Excellence in Food Retail Environments for Health, MRFF Rapid Translation grants and has received lead investigator funding from bodies including the US National Institutes of Health, National Health and Medical Research Council, the Australian Heart Foundation, VicHealth, the British Heart Foundation, the Western Alliance, European Heart Foundation and the European Union. The GLOBE team support efforts to improve health in over 30 countries world-wide and work directly with the WHO to achieve these aims.
Steve holds a number of honorary appointments including:
· Research Associate, World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention, University of Oxford
· Foundation Member World Heart Federation’s Global Working Group (WG) on Policy/Advocacy
· Consultant, Prevention, Health Policy and Epidemiology Section, European Association for Cardiac Prevention and Care
· Honorary Membership Faculty of Public Health. Royal College of Physicians, United Kingdom