Prevention of child and adolescent obesity
The Prevention Stream of ACAORN provides the opportunity for collaboration between emerging, mid and established career researchers interested in child and adolescent obesity prevention research.
Prevention Stream members are currently engaged in research involving children and adolescents in a range of settings, including pre-schools, primary and secondary schools. We are currently leading the largest community-based interventions in Australia.
The Prevention Stream goals are to:
Promote evidence that can be used to inform interventions in large scale whole-of-community interventions.
Identify areas of importance and future directions for childhood and adolescent obesity prevention research.
Facilitate collaborations and facilitate high quality research in obesity prevention.
Provide opportunities for post-graduate and post-doctoral education and training in paediatric obesity prevention research.
The specific objectives of the stream are to:
Identify gaps in the paediatric obesity literature in relation to obesity prevention.
Develop networks of current Australian and New Zealand researchers in the field of obesity prevention.
Provide opportunities for emerging researchers to share their work and foster national and international collaborations.
Improve access to relevant information for fellow researchers and public health professionals.
Develop research papers discussing the current issues in obesity prevention research
Australasian trials concerned with obesity prevention in childhood and adolescence
Members of the Prevention Stream are currently involved in a number of diverse prevention interventions throughout Australia and New Zealand. Specific details of these studies are provided below. Studies listed are:
Based in Australia and/or New Zealand
Target children or adolescents
Focus on the prevention of overweight or obesity
Are currently underway or recently completed (as of July 2012)
Approved by a university, hospital or area health service ethics committee
Include at least a 6-month follow-up
Overview covers project name, contact person, sample characteristics, intervention components, publications, additional information.
More information covers sample characteristics and additional intervention components.
Studies have been divided into the following age brackets:
Prevention interventions for 0-5 year olds (overview or more information)
Prevention interventions for 6-12 year olds (overview or more information)
Prevention interventions for 13-18 year olds (overview or more information)
As a generalization, prevention interventions for 0-5 year olds are those implemented prior to formal schooling, prevention interventions for 6-12 year olds are those targeting primary-school aged children. Interventions targeting adolescents aged 13-18 years are generally implemented in secondary schools.
Prevention of child and adolescent obesity - Stream publications
Jones RA, Lubans DR, Morgan PJ, Okely AD, Parletta N, de Silva-Sanigorski A, Gibbs L, Water E. School-based obesity prevention interventions: Practicalities and considerations. Obesity Research and Clinical Practice 2013 Nov Abstract
Lubans DL, Jones R, Okely T, Salmon J & Baur L. Review of Australian Childhood Obesity Research Funding 2010-2013. Health Promot J Austr. 2013 Aug;24(2):155 Abstract
Jones RA, Sinn N, Campbell KJ, Hesketh K, Denney-Wilson E, Morgan PJ, Lubans DR, Magarey A. The importance of long-term follow-up in child and adolescent obesity prevention interventions. Int J Pediatr Obes 2011; 6:178-81. Abstract
Denney-Wilson E, Campbell K, Hesketh K, de Silva-Sanigorski A. Funding for child obesity prevention in Australia. Aust N Z J Public Health. 2011; 35:85. Abstract
Swinburn B, Bell C, King L, Magarey A, O'Brien K, Waters E; Primary Prevention Group of the Australian Childhood and Adolescent Obesity Research Network. Aust N Z J Public Health. 2007; 31:305-7. Abstract