
Mr Mark Chenery

Mark Chenery is a communications expert and trainer who works with mission driven organisations and political parties to incorporate a science-based approach to values in their work.

His background includes advertising and journalism and heading up the community engagement program of an international human rights organisation in Australia.

Since establishing Common Cause Australia in 2014, he and his colleagues have trained over 5,000 campaigners, communicators and fundraisers from Australia and New Zealand in values-based community engagement.

Mark has worked with dozen of organisations on values-based communications. His message research has changed the way many of Australia’s leading mission driven organisations as well as local and state government departments and agencies communicate with the public on social justice, health and environmental issues.

Mark Chenery will be presenting in the Communication and Farming around obesity Symposium on Thursday 22nd July 2021, 1:20pm - 3:20pm.