
Prof Ken Ho

Ken Ho is conjoint professor, Faculty of Medicine University of New South Wales (UNSW), Emeritus Fellow at the Garvan Institute of Medical Research and Honorary Consultant St. Vincent’s Hospital. He is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Science. He is a medical graduate of the University of Sydney, received a doctorate degree from the UNSW before undertaking post-doctoral training at the University of Virginia.

His research interests are on pituitary medicine and the neuroendocrine control of metabolic health. He is an Associate Editor of the inaugural Journal of the Endocrine Society and the European Journal of Endocrinology. He serves or has served on several Editorial Boards including the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, Endocrinology, Pituitary, Endocrine and Best Practice in Endocrinology and Metabolism and is Section Editor of the Oxford Textbook of Endocrinology.

He received the inaugural 2011 Senior Plenary Award of the Endocrine Society of Australia, the 2000 Visiting Trust Professor and the 2008 Asia Oceania Medal of the British Endocrine Society. He is a past-president of the Growth Hormone Research Society, the Pituitary Society and the Endocrine Society of Australia. He was conferred honorary life member of the Endocrine Society of Australia in 2015. He serves on the Nominating Committee of the US Endocrine Society and previously the British Endocrine Society.

Prof Ho will be presenting “Thermogenesis & brown adipose tissue” in the Modulators of Energy Expenditure & Intake Symposium on Wednesday 21st July 2021, 1:30pm - 3:30pm.