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Mr Andrew Goodman

Mr Andrew Goodman is a PhD candidate with the University of Queensland, School of Public Health.  His research aims to assess the appropriateness, feasibility and effect of a smartphone and internet based interactive system (mHealth) specifically tailored for the clinical management of hypertension for patients accessing care at Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Controlled Health Organisations. Andrew is a recipient of a Heart Foundation Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Award along with a CSIRO scholarship. Mr Goodman comes with a wealth of experience partnering with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, he has spent over 15 years within Indigenous Healthcare and the 10 years prior to commencing his research, with an innovative cardiac outreach program servicing 36 rural & remote communities including Indigenous communities across Queensland. Andrew has cultural & family links through the Central West of QLD. Andrews drive is to ensure his research is delivered in a culturally appropriate, engaging and impactful manner.